Hangjie Ji bio photo

Hangjie Ji

I'm from Hangzhou, China. Currently in Raleigh, NC. SAS Hall 3212, NC State University.


I am an Assistant Professor in mathematics at North Carolina State University. Before coming to NC State, I was an Assistant Adjunct Professor for the Program in Computing at UCLA Department of Mathematics working with Dr. Andrea Bertozzi. I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at Duke University under the guidance of Dr. Thomas P. Witelski.

My research interests lie in nonlinear partial differential equations, scientific computing, and data-driven mathematical modeling, with a focus on their applications in physics, engineering, and medicine.

My research is supported by NSF Award DMS 2309774 and the Simons Foundation MPS-TSM.

Here is my CV.

I am a co-organizer of the Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM) Seminar at NCSU. Here are some recorded seminar talks.

Current Teaching (Fall 2024)

Recent Conferences and Outreach Activities

Recent Research Highlights